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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

August Favourites

This month, my favourites have mostly been products that I've already prattled on about in other posts, so I'm going to keep this a wee bit short (or try to). We all know by now that I'be been quite into a really simple look recently (although I've been going more hard in the paint this week, post to come soon) so here are the products I've been reaching for!

I've already done a post about the Bobbi Brown Nude Finish Tinted Moisturizer here, but recently I've found that it mixes with slightly fuller coverage bases BEAUTIFULLY. My favourite combo has been with the Chanel Perfection Lumière Velvet, can you say naturally beautiful skin? I mean this combo seriously looks like I've just got a bit of moisturizer on, it's fab. Speaking of moisturizer, I've been loving my good ol' Glossier Priming Moisturizer in the mornings as it's the perfect base for my makeup. It really plumps up the skin and makes it look healthy, and having started classes back up I definitely need that. I've also been loving the Fresh Beauty Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream at night as it's super light and skinks in quickly, but leaves my skin feeling really hydrated. It is hot as hades down in the south this time of year, so I'm having to give heavier night creams a miss. This is a trial size but I'm definitely going to pick up the full once I'm done!

Another love this month from Glossier is the Stretch Concealer. Rather than highlighting with concealer, I've been all about an even skin tone. So, I use this under my eyes as well as on any redness in my face. This formula is beautiful and really melts into the skin. I definitely need to set it under my eyes in this heat, but it's very comfortable to wear. As far as eyes go I've been keeping it light, swiping an easy shadow all over my lid. But for a bit of drama, I've been smudging the MAC Dipdown Fluidline into my upper lash line. This really defines the eyes without being too harsh! I finally found my beloved Glossier Generation G in 'Like' rattling around the bottom of my bookbag, and I haven't put it down since! The perfect my lips but better pink in a super-easy formula, love!

Lastly, I've been obsessed with my white walls. I painted them a little while ago and have posted some pictures on my Instagram, but I don't think I've put any up here. I also found this beaut of a mirror at Target (West Elm copy or nah?) and am in love!

What have you guys been loving this month? x