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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

New Favourite Nail Polish

I know I just did a nail post, but I had those gels on for over a week and I was getting bored so I peeled them off. I used to just peel them off with no problem, this time however, I discovered my nails were ruined and peely underneath, I'm so sad. I've been doing a lot of treatments so hopefully they'll get better soon because I usually have very healthy nails! Anyway, I decided to paint them nude again so they didn't look quite so terrible and discovered that Sally Hansen's Grey-t Escape is GORGEOUS. It's kind of a dusty grey-nude and I love it. Right up my ally.

What have you got on your nails today?