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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

Luxury Haircare

So I'm the kind of girl that refuses to spend money on shampoo and conditioner. I mean, I use it up so quickly so why spend $30 a bottle when I can spend $5? Herbal Essences is my life. My grandparents are visiting and for some reason they brought me some travel L'Occitane shampoo and conditioner. Not that I'm complaining but wow okay.

I'm now spoiled. I don't really know how to explain how beautiful these products are. They're the Aromachologie Shampoo and Conditioner and these little 2.5 fl oz bottles retail for $7 each. They contain 5 essential oils, Angelica, Lavender, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang, and Patchouli. The oils mean that they don't feel like your typical creamy shampoo and conditioner, they're instead a bit thinner but I actually find that I need to use less product. They make my hair feel squeaky clean and very "fluffy" although my only complaint is that they take away the volume at the root of my hair the first day. Otherwise, my hair feels beautiful and I reallllly don't want to run out. Because I'm not sure I want to pay for them myself hehe.

What luxury haircare product would you like to try?