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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

10 Things I've Been Loving Lately

I used to love doing Kate La Vie and Cupcakes of Cashmere-esque lists talking about things I'd been loving that week. I used to do posts about pins I'd found that I thought were cool. I used to post about whatever I wanted. Last month I put up a post on Instagram talking about embracing just talking about whatever I wanted and taking photos of whatever I wanted. But I've struggled to actually do that. So, here's an old-school lovin' lately post to try and get back into that.

01 Being lazy. Don't get me wrong, I have shit to do and I get it done. But in my free time it's nice to just sit on the couch with a face mask on and do nothing. I've perhaps been doing that a little too much this summer, but sometimes it feels necessary. I think a lot of people get caught up in doing something all the time and forget to just breathe.

02 Rewatching the Vampire Diaries. Speaking of being lazy, I've found that time consumed by rewatching TVD. I didn't mean to fall into the trap, but my girls at work started the series and I was like what the heck why not? As we all know starting a series over is basically a black hole of Netflix binging. I seriously need to read a book (recs, please).

03 The sun. Shock. Horror. Amelia what are you talking about? You hate summer!! Hell yeah I do. But the new house has a covered back porch that overlooks a sunny meadow and it's blimmin gorgeous. So when it's a bit cooler I've been loving sitting out there. I'm really in a do-nothing mood lately aren't I?

04 McDonald's Iced Coffee. Okay, honestly I'm a little peeved no one told me how good McD's coffee is. And it's $1. Here I've been, wasting my money on $4 Starbucks water with a lil bean juice thrown in. When $1 McDonald's nectar has been right there all along. Just to clarify, I do actually drink proper coffee from locally owned shops. My mum works in a coffee shop for heavens sake. To-go iced coffee is strictly for work and errand running.

05 Not washing my face in the morning. Okay that just sounds gross honestly. But, I've been using Pixi Glow Tonic in the morning instead of washing with a cleanser and it has helped my skin dramatically. Rather than stripping all of the oils away and then covering my skin back up with a moisturizer to hydrate, I'm just letting it breathe. Idk what science this is but my skin has physically improved since starting this.

06 Planning my trip back home. I haven't been back to England in probably six or seven years. And I've been getting really really antsy to go home. Because I love England. Don't get me wrong the states are cool, but it just is soooo different. So my friend Elle and I decided to go this summer as an early graduation present to ourselves. My gran lives in the middle of nowhere and I am so excited to be back in the countryside. We're also planning to go to London, York, Cambridge, and Blakeney with various family members and I couldn't be happier. Now I've just gotta plan my outfits, yikes.

07 Pinterest. Speaking of planning outfits, I've fallen back in love with Pinterest. Honestly, if I think too much about the concept it really series me out. We save pictures of things we want and will probably never have onto curated boards full of pictures we didn't take. Weird. But it is a great source of inspiration for things like wardrobe and outfit planning!

08 Wearing very very little makeup. This probably goes along with the being lazy thing, but I've hardly worn makeup the past few weeks. I'll do Skin Tint, Brows and maybe mascara but it rarely goes past that. And I've been really liking it. It takes me about 5 minutes to get ready for work and I can spend the rest of that time actually eating breakfast, win.

09 Interiors. I've always loved homewares and organizing and making my room look perfect. But right now since I'm sharing with my sister I am dreaming of having my own room back. The room I'll have in the new house is quite small, but I'm super excited to be able to make it my own again.

10 Finding new bloggers. I've been discovering so many new blogs through Instagram and Pinterest lately and I looooove finding new sites to read. Sometimes I think it can be a bit overwhelming to keep up with everyone because there are just so many people out there! But I've become addicted to blog reading again, and it's super inspiring. Who are your faves at the moment?
