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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

Soap Brows

If you haven't heard of soap brows, you're probably not on the internet very often. It's an old industry trick that has recently become extremely popular among youtubers. I first heard of them from Sam (one half of pixiwoos) last year. I'm preeeetty sure that she was the first to make a video on the technique, and her tutorial is awesome!

I've been doing soap brows pretty much since I watched this video, but fairly recently found a soap that works incredibly well. I was using the Doctor Bronner's soap, which does work well but was a bit white and super strong. Katy (lustrelux) reccommended the L'Occitaine soap a few months ago and I've been loving it. I usually use the original, but this time around I accidentally bought the Verbena scented. I've had no problems, but if you have sensitive skin definitely stick to the original. I'm loving this look because it makes your brows look super textured. Often, I find it difficult to highlight the brow hairs I do have and stay away from blocky brows. Soap makes the brows look fuller on their own and I just have to fill the tails in a little bit.

Literally all you have to do is wet your spoolie and lather it up a bit in the soap, then brush through your brow hairs. You can style them however you want, I like to brush to fronts up a little bit to make them look full and bushy. Because they look much, much fuller all I need to do is fill in the bald- patches (wah) with the Anastasia Dip Brow Pomade or Brow Wiz Pencil. LOUD Makeup recently sent me some brushes to try out, and their E9 Bent Liner brush is AMAZING for creating hair like strokes as it is so fine. The soap keeps my brows in place alllll day, but if I want to add a tint to the hairs without filling them in, I'll use the Glossier Boy Brow. The soap is also great to give your brows a wee bit of texture on no-makeup days!

A super easy, natural way to do brows that lasts all day (and is way cheaper than a brow gel)! Have you guys tried the soap brow? What do you use?