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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

Shopping My Stash

As I'm sure we're all aware, I own a LOT of makeup. A ridiculous amount, really. As a blogger, I often feel like I need to buy things to review them. But one person can only use so much and things just tend to pile up in my drawers. I'm also pretty lazy, and in the mornings tend to reach for the same products over and over because it's easy. So in an effort to be more creative, stop buying makeup, and using up the products I have, I've been rifling around and discovering things I haven't used in forever. The funny thing is, these products are things that I love I just kind of forgot about them (oops).

The star of this post is the Smashbox BB Water foundation. I used to use this all the time, but I'm a foundation addict and switch pretty regularly. I decided to pull this out the other day and oh my goodness I'm angry I stopped using it. The formulation is absolutely beautiful. It's incredibly lightweight, and so so thin I thought it would be similar in coverage to the Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint. I was wrong, this feels like the skin tint on, but actually has quite a bit of coverage! Definitely enough to smooth over redness and small imperfections. It has the same quality in that it almost blurs the skin, making it look flawless without looking heavy (or feeling so). GORGEOUS

I wouldn't say I'd really forgotten about the Balm's Mary Lou-Manizer, because I still love it. I just haven't used it in a while. Which was stupid, because it's so beautiful. I def think I prefer this on me in the warmer months as it's more of a gold tone, and a little less icy. A beautiful formula and a pan that'll last you forever. When I went home to England a little while ago, I picked up bunches of the Sleek blushers. I'm not really sure why, as I don't wear blush all that often, but they are lovely. They're super pigmented AND super blendable and last a surprisingly long time on the face. Making an effort from now on to start using blush (particularly because I have a stupid amount of them in general). 

The years of the Naked palette popularity have been and gone, and I realized the other day that I haven't touched them in forever. I bought the first and the second and it pains me to know how much money I spent on them. So, another thing I'm making an effort to use more of. You all know that Urban Decay's eyeshadows are absolutely unreal in terms of quality, I just need to stop being so lazy! Last but not least, I have an abnormally large collection of MAC Pigments. Let's be real, these are a pain in the ass to use and they NEVER run out. But they are incredibly gorgeous, and not just as eyeshadows. Vanilla, pictured here, makes a gorgeous highlighter so maybe that'll help me use it up faster! I've also got some pretty interesting colours (why did I think I would ever use them?) so I need to get my creativity flowing.

That's it for this time around, but I think I might make this into a series if you guys are interested! What products have you found rummaging around in your makeup bag?