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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

My Happy Place

image c/o here
I'm currently sitting in possibly the world's comfiest leather armchair in a quiet coffee shop on campus waiting to go to my 3D Design exam, catching up on YouTube videos and drinking an iced coffee. And I feel good. I don't really know why but I've just felt an overwhelming surge of happiness in this moment. Which, to be quite honest, is pretty hard to come by during exam week, so I thought I needed to share. What is your happy place?
