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Hi, I'm Amelia! I'm a full time student and beauty blogger living and working in the Southeast United States. I'm originally from England and hoping to move back to the UK soon. I'm an absolute beauty junkie (not helped by the fact that I work at a Cosmetics Company Store) and Harry Potter fanatic. If you want to get to know me better, you can read this post.

Fab Face Masks

I am face mask obsessive. It's kind of a problem. In fact, I probably apply them too often, but what can I say? They're so satisfying because they generally garner fairly instant results! And when you're feeling down in the dumps, there is nothing better than making your skin look beautiful (it's science)!

I've used tons of masks from tons of brands, but these are the ones I always come back to. I've declared my love for the Glossier face masks before, I'm sure you all know. The Mega Greens Galaxy Pack is probably my favourite face mask of all time. It's, as Glossier describes, a juice cleanse for your face. Full of detoxing ingredients like Kaolin White Clay and Parsley, plus Avacado to moisturize, and Bitter Orange Peel to exfoliate, your skin will thank you for this. A lot of clay masks dry hard and crack, leaving your skin a bit stripped. This, though, stays creamy leave you squeaky clean and hydrated. Speaking of hydration, the Moisturizing Moon Mask packs a huge punch. Hyaluronic Acid and Plant-Derived Squalene provide next level hydration, and Sweet Almond Oil soothes (and is my favourite scent ever). If you want to try these out, you can get 20% off your first order by going to!

I've also done an entire post here on all of Complex Beauty's* masks, so I thought I would highlight two of my favorites. The Godmother is a pumpkin enzyme mask, and is quite strong so definitely stay away if you have sensitive skin! All of the masks are full of amazing ingredients (you can read more about them in the post), but this one contains glycolic acid and obviously pumpkin. Pumpkin is an antioxidant superstar, protecting from free radicals, moisturizing, and promoting cell turnover. Thirst Quencher is another hydrating mask, but different in texture and formula from Glossier's offering. This one delivers more hydration to the internal layers of your skin, with things like Organic Aloe, Vitamin B5, and Hyaluronic Acid (make sure to moisturize properly after this).

I've got a few Glam Glow masks that I want to try out, but I love the Supermud Clearing Treatment for when my skin is feeling extra clogged. It's a charcoal mask that pulls impurities out, and it's one of those masks that dries but stays dark where your pores are full (gross). It's pretty strong, so I don't use it too often, but definitely effective! Last but not least is the Origins Original Skin Retexturizing Mask. This one is also super clarifying, but also exfoliates, leaving your skin clean and baby soft. I generally don't recommend products with physical exfoliants since they're usually microbesds which are incredibly damaging to the environment. This mask uses jojoba beads instead, which scrub just the same but are biodegradable! (YAY) Rose Clay absorbs oil and impurities, while Canadian Willowherb combats full skin and Persian Silk Tree protects from outside damage.

My actually face mask cabinet is full of many, many more, but these are my absolute faves! What are your favourite masks?

*Some products in this post have been sent to me for consideration. This post is not sponsodered and, as always, all opinions are my own.