We're gonna have to excuse the massive amount of pictures in this post, but my ColourPop goodies were so gorgeous I couldn't resist and I couldn't narrow them down any more (trust me this was a lot of narrowing). For those of you who don't know, ColourPop is a Los Angeles based cosmetics company that sells high quality, cruelty-free makeup for an insanely low price. All of the eyeshadows and lip products on the site cost $5 and the new blushes cost $8. And let me tell you, the quality of these amazing products will blow your mind.
I wanted to try everything, so I ordered four Super Shock Shadows, a Super Shock Cheek, two Lippie Stix, and a Lippie Pencil. I spent $43 and received an overwhelming amount of product. I was so excited when they came I literally ran down my driveway in pajamas and probably freaked the heck out of our poor mailman. Everything comes packaged in a cute little ColourPop box and the products are safely wrapped in cushy material. They include a hand written note a la Beautylish which is my favourite thing for companies to do. The products themselves are boxed in beautifully designed white and holographic packaging (see above) with cute reminders to "Keep the magic in, close jars tightly after use." This warning is because of the insane texture of the ColourPop 'powders.' I read about it beforehand, but nothing could prepare me for how COOL these feel when you touch them. You can see in the photo of the blush, it's almost clay-like or gel. You definitely have to feel it to believe it.
So, onto the actual products. The Lippie Stix I ordered are in Creature and Skimpy, probably the most boring out of the insane shade range, but definitely the ones I wanted the most. The Lippie Stix come in five different formulas; Glossy, Satin, Matte, Hyper Glossy, and Pearlized. Skimpy, a pale nude beige, is a glossy finish. It is rather full coverage on the lips but provides a beautiful shiny nude that I adore. It's pretty rare that a nude truly looks good on my pale skin, so I love this. It wears pretty well, lasting for about four hours before it's pretty much gone. That doesn't sound very long, but for a glossy finish it's pretty good! Creature is my kind of colour. It's a matte 'deepened black burgundy red.' This is the PERFECT vampy red. Speaking as a lover of Rimmel 107, Creature knocks it out of the park. This thing lasts so long it's scary. I apply it in the morning and eat and drink without worry and it still looks perfect! The formula on these is beautifully moisturizing and they smell good enough to eat. The Stix are packaged in white tubes and are retractable, which I love. The bottom of the stick also has a swatch. I decided to pick up the Lippie Pencil in Dalia instead of Creature, because it was more of a warm brick-red instead of a cool tone, and I thought it would make a different lip look. The pencil is not as creamy as the Stix, but goes on well and definitely prevents feathering. I do wish it was retractable as well, but I still love it!
The Super Shock Shadows are absolutely beautiful. They're incredibly pigmented and their strange texture means no fall out, oh yeah. I picked up Girly, a creamy vanilla shimmer that puts my beloved Nylon to shame. Bill is a matte plummy beige that's perfect for that Linda Hallberg-esque grungy look. On the Rocks is so beautiful it kind of makes me want to cry. Is that weird? Probably. Anyway, it's a super pigmented bronze with gold and purple shimmer that makes my eyes so green I just stare in my mirror all day. That's definitely weird. ColourPop says it'll bring all the boys to the bar and I don't doubt it. Last but not least is Mittens, the name of which I love so much I want to hug it. It's a satiny deep warm brown that pulls a tiny bit purple, so again looks lovely on green eyes. It is slightly satin, but almost matte so it makes for a gorgeous crease colour. The Super Shock Cheek I picked up I also intend on using as an eyeshadow. Aphrodisiac is a soft beige brown that I originally purchased for contouring. Hopefully it still works for that purpose (I haven't tried yet) but it is the PERFECT crease blending colour, oh my goodness. It also has that crazy wet-but-not texture that I just wanna poke.
I think it's pretty safe to say I am completely over the moon with my products. I've gotten over the super long shipping process (12 days to process and be shipped BOO) because I know it's still a small company and the products are THAT good. I'm going to go play some more now. And make a wishlist for my next order.
Have you tried ColourPop yet? What are your favourite products?